
Dec 7, 2010

Sect Lie ON!

Years pass and the formula never changes, it is the same basic recipe with the combination of salt and pepper varying every couple of years or s AUB elections I’m talkin about!
Well it s true that elections there are old news, but why are they significant these days??
It s because they clearly show how low Lebanese politicians can go! Yeah low by allowing the dominance of the fraudulent sectarian political system we have over STUDENTS' elections, which are supposed to be democratic, transparent and student representing! Where is the democracy, if students vote as they r "ordered" to vote, and candidates quit bcz "higher authorities" obliged them to? Where is the transparency if u r deceived by students claiming INDEPENDENCE while they are actually supported by a political party or another?
How ashamed i feel when i c flags for political parties waving on campus and cars outside the university with pictures of political leaders mounted on them and some aggressive sectarian songs being played. And how ironical it sounds when these students whom we r depending on for a new democratic and free political regime in Lebanon and who are supposed to be open for change, and more enlightened than their ancestors turn out to be just blind followers when it comes to politics.
I mean politicians do know that whether they get 10% or 100% of the USFC seats in the university, we will remain under the under developed countries, we will still have electricity and water issues and we will never get rid of the political conflicts we have among each other!!So can anyone explain what s the point behind all that ??!
Really, I dnt know if we can still hope for a change in the new generation and wish for less bias, less sectarianism and more impartiality since students elections show the opposite of that, students elections that reflect the nature and flow of any future governmental elections. The same thing happens in university, parliamentary, municipal, syndical elections (and the list goes on). No one talked about finding a solution to the inflation of the tuition fees, the nature of life at AUB nor any humanitarian aspect of the famous AUB's just about colors, who can scream louder, and wonderful slogans that are good for nothing other than being trashed (what usually happens after any electoral process).
And in case ur still wonderin about the title, it is an anagram of elections, or what I sadly consider a synonym for all kinds of elections in Lebanon!


Anonymous said...

kbeere ya ziziii

Sally Kraidieh said...

there is this voice inside most of Lebanese people that echoes for politics, but what if we raise our new generation to learn what true politics really is? no matter how loud our voices go, it is by unity that we reach the main goal, a clean political system, free of any sheep-like followers.
A serious problem that is addressed carefully and wisely. Good Job sissy (Y)

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