
Nov 15, 2010

How to Avoid #KE7 Moments!

I've had an interesting jump start for my week...I took part of a coaching session. Coaching is different from training because the session isn’t about giving you any extra knowledge, it’s about bringing out what you already know and build on it.
It’s all about how to act to at least minimize that negative energy you’re surrounded with everyday.
Identify whether you have a healthy personality by answering the below questions:
  1. How much you can see the good in others personalities'? 
  2. The degree to which you can forgive? 
  3. How much can you get along with all types of people 
After doing that...and here comes the theoretical part to which we all nod our heads and agree, but to go from theory to practice is what's really tricky. Change is so resented by people even if it was from the worse to the better, but thank God we have that 21-day rule to which it's wildly observed that if you do something for 21 consecutive days it'll become you habit (just Google "21 days habit theory").

Start by minimizing the effect of those top 8 reasons of negativity:
  1. Inaction feeds fear 
    • This negative source needs a lifetime to conquer, as stated by the coach (emphasis on coach and not trainer) 
    • Just one word of advice: whenever you are down, GET BUSY! 
  2. Blame 
    • A human being is built with an automatic blaming mechanism 
    • Try to assume responsibility of a mistake or a failure because it makes you gain the respects of others 
    • taking the blame for something (if you were truly the person to blame) is an injection of positivity because it removes that teasing sub-conscious feeling of not doing the right thing 
  3. Lack of consideration 
    • It's something you cannot control, you simply can’t control the emotional pressure of being left out or neglected. (imagine calling 2 friends simultaneously and find out they're together at the same place without u) 
  4. Accumulation of disagreements 
    • I think it speaks for itself, and it is something you can definitely change 
  5. Insecurity 
    • You always rely on something/someone to make u feel more secure 
    • Financial independence is way to feel secure, always manage to at least save 10% of your salary (no matter how much is your salary), just consider you are in debt to yourself, allegedly you'll feel better since you gain a feel of accomplishment 
  6. Backbiting 
    • imagine the following: 
      • X: "this dude stinks, he's pigheaded, arrogant, so uptight and I simply can't stand him" 
      • Y: "Man!! I totally agree with u, not only that but he's also sooo mean and stupid!" 
      • Z: "Just ask that dude for any favor, he'll happily do it for u!" 
      • well imagine the astonishment on X and Y's faces 
    • What Z have done is adding a positive side to the discussion disregarding the fact if he agrees or disagrees with X and Y's point of view... He saw the good in that dude in question, hence lessened the tension and the indirect/direct effect on that dude! 
  7. Worry 
    • To deal with worry you should deal with ONE worry at a time 
    • Write the worry on a piece of paper in the below advised method: 
      • Identify the worry in max 2 words 
      • identify the worst case scenario 
      • write down: " I ACCEPT IT" 
      • apply the mini-max principle in which you minimize the worst case scenario 
    • By doing the above, you sub-conscious will automatically start giving you better ways to deal with that worry, not solutions...simply better ways. 
  8. Guilt 
    • Mom: "just remember that you have a mother, walaaaaw!!" 
    • The reply to this is in two forms: 
      • Form 1: 
        • Son: "Mom I never forgot you and you know that I love you so much it's just I had so much work to do" 
        • Mom: "you couldn't find a moment to talk to me?" 
        • Son: ..... Well u know how things will go from now on! 
      • Form 2: 
        • Son: "Mom I am coming to see you right now" 
    • In form 1, you opened the room for more blame and guilt just because you did what's natural to do and is defending yourself. this would lead to more negativity and stress 
    •  In form 2, you simply assumed the guilt, and you're going to deal with it directly 
I wish I can tell you I have tried to change those things...I haven't, just took those guidelines today.
This is believe it or not a shortened version, if u want the full 22 negativity reasons you can find them under the below link:
or just tell me on the blog


Lynn I said...

Loved the how to deal with worry part , will be trying it :)

Unknown said...

Glad u liked it, and i hope it'll work out for u!

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